Introduction to asyncio

-- Frank Millman

If you are writing a server program to handle multiple concurrent connections, how do you allow the connections to be handled simultaneously without blocking? There are two main approaches.

The traditional approach uses threads. The main thread runs an endless loop listening for incoming connections. For each connection received, it creates a separate thread to handle the connection, and resumes listening. The secondary thread reads data from the socket and handles it as required, until one side or the other closes the connection. It runs independently of any other thread, so it does not have to worry about blocking. It works, but it has two main disadvantages. Firstly, the operating system limits the number of threads allowed, so it limits the number of concurrent connections achievable. Secondly, the operating system switches control between threads arbitrarily, and the programmer has no control over this. This can lead to subtle bugs, especially if any state is shared between the threads. This can be managed with the use of locks and other mechanisms, but if you get it wrong it can be very hard to debug.

An alternative approach is to use asynchronous I/O. The most popular one in Python has for some years been a 3rd-party package called Twisted. It also uses an endless loop to listen for incoming connections, but when one is received it passes control directly to a request handler within the main thread. The handler reads the data from the socket, and then handles it up to a point where it might block. At that point it must do three things. It must define some condition indicating what it is waiting, it must specify a function to be called when that condition is satisfied, and it must return, which passes control back to the main loop. In addition to listening for incoming connections, the main loop also checks all outstanding conditions. If it finds one that is satisfied, it calls the specified function so that the handler can continue with its processing. It sounds complicated, but in practice the majority of current connections are in a blocked state, so it can handle many connections simultaneously without a problem. This approach has two main advantages. Firstly, there is no physical limit to the number of concurrent connections allowed, and many thousands have been successfully achieved. Secondly, it is up to each handler to decide when to relinquish control, so it is easier for handlers to share data safely without the need for locks. However, there is a disadvantage - if a handler does not relinquish control when it is supposed to, the result is that the main loop cannot continue, and the entire program will appear to have frozen. Handling this correctly is a skill that comes with experience.

Python has now introduced its own asynchronous I/O capability. It is called asyncio, and it is included in release 3.4. It is similar to the Twisted approach described above, but there are some important differences. To explain them, a bit of history is required.

The yield statement was introduced in Python 2.2. Assume a function that returns more than one result -

def fetch_rows(first, last):
    rows = []
    for row_no in range(first, last):
        row = fetch_row(row_no)
    return rows

The caller would do something like -

rows = fetch_rows(first, last)
for row in rows:
    # do something

This works, but the caller has to wait until all rows are retrieved before continuing. In the first line, fetch_rows() returns a list, and the second line iterates over the list.

The yield statement allows the following -

def fetch_rows(first, last):
    for row_no in range(first, last):
        row = fetch_row(row_no)
        yield row

The caller looks the same as before, but the sequence of events is different. The yield statement turns the function into a generator. In the first line, fetch_rows() returns a generator object. No lines in fetch_rows() are executed yet. The second line iterates over the generator. For the first iteration, fetch_rows() is executed from the first line up to the first yield statement. The value is returned to the caller, but fetch_rows() stays open. Each subsequent iteration causes fetch_rows() to continue from the line after the yield until the next yield, or until the function reaches the end, in which case it raises StopIteration. The benefit is that the caller can process each row as it is retrieved, instead of waiting for them all to be retrieved. It also avoids the need to create a list in memory.

The yield from statement was introduced in Python 3.3. I cheated here - the following description is taken directly from the Python manual.

The yield from expression allows a generator to delegate part of its operations to another generator. This allows a section of code containing yield to be factored out and placed in another generator. Additionally, the subgenerator is allowed to return with a value, and the value is made available to the delegating generator.


For simple iterators, yield from iterable is essentially just a shortened form of for item in iterable: yield item. [...] However, unlike an ordinary loop, yield from allows subgenerators to receive sent and thrown values directly from the calling scope, and return a final value to the outer generator.

If you want to learn more, you can read the following -

  • PEP 255 - Simple Generators

    The proposal for adding generators and the yield statement to Python.

  • PEP 342 - Coroutines via Enhanced Generators

    The proposal to enhance the API and syntax of generators, making them usable as simple coroutines.

  • PEP 380 - Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator

    The proposal to introduce the yield_from syntax, making delegation to sub-generators easy.

The asyncio module was introduced in Python 3.4. From the manual, it

provides infrastructure for writing single-threaded concurrent code using coroutines, multiplexing I/O access over sockets and other resources, running network clients and servers, and other related primitives.

The big difference between Twisted and asyncio is that the latter makes extensive use of the yield from statement. In Twisted you have to specify a callback function to be called when the condition is satisfied, and then return. With asyncio you can use callbacks in the same way, but it is easier to just call yield from, and your function is automatically suspended. When the condition is satisfied it continues from the next statement. This makes programs much easier to read and to write.

Here is a simple example of an echo server -

import asyncio

def accept_client(client_reader, client_writer):
    task = asyncio.Task(
        handle_client(client_reader, client_writer))

def handle_client(client_reader, client_writer):
    while True:
        data = yield from asyncio.wait_for(
            client_reader.readline(), timeout=10.0)
        if data.decode().rstrip() == 'BYE':

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
server = asyncio.start_server(accept_client, host, port)

For a fuller example, look at Python AsyncIO - Streams - Client and Server.

I have only scratched the surface, but I have got it working in my project. There is a bit of a learning curve to get your head around the concepts, but most of it just works. The problem I found is that if something does not work, it can be tricky to reason out what is happening. Here is one gotcha that caught me.

Some of my request handlers are quite complex, so I have refactored them by splitting them up into smaller functions. If a function needed to block, I added a yield from statement, but then I found that the handler returned prematurely without doing anything. After much investigation, I found that adding yield from changes the function into a generator (or more strictly, a coroutine). As explained above, calling a generator simply returns a generator object, but it does not execute anything. So I tried using yield from in the caller, but this changed it into a coroutine, so I found I had to change every function in the chain into a coroutine by adding the @asyncio.coroutine decorator you can see above to each function, and then invoke it by using yield from. Then everything worked.